Alexander Dugin: Azerbaijan in the New Geopolitical Picture of the Caucasus

Two geopolitical strategies – the Eurasian and the Atlantic – in relation to the Caucasus are mutually exclusive . Here, as in chess, you can not play both “for whites” and “for blacks . ” Therefore, the republics of the South Caucasus have a certain freedom of choice. It is quite obvious that none of them has sufficient geopolitical potential to pretend to play in the new conditions – the rules of the game are determined knowingly, and it is possible to choose only a camp and complicity in a particular strategy. This is the moment of geopolitical freedom in strictly defined frames .

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Briefly on the Middle East | Colonel Cassad

In Northern Hama the front has stabilized. The militants went after the failures of mid-April, fell back to the area of Lataminah and Morek, which is reflected in the rate of advance of the SAA, which is now bogged down in battles for the towns South of Lataminah and South-East of Morek. If in these fights, SAA will be able to grind the main forces of the militants, before the Syrians will open good prospects associated with access to the Central regions of Idlib.

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