The death of a man-myth | Colonel Cassad

In the end, the Caliphate and Baghdadi himself reaped the fruits of its policy 2014-2015. Refusing to act pragmatically and focusing on their inhuman understanding of Islam, they put a barrier in the way of ISIS to the evolution into a full-fledged state. The project was not able to reach the next stage (mainly because of military defeat) and today, when to report the death of Baghdadi, we see the process of its dismantling – ends the battle for Mosul, surrounded by the capital of the Caliphate, black loses territory in Syria and Iraq.

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Confirmation | Colonel Cassad

The militants of banned terrorist organization “Islamic state” confirmed the death of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. This was announced by the Iraqi channel al- sumaria, citing a source. According to him, the militants announced a successor, but did not name his name. The source believes that the statement about the death of the leader was expected after the lifting of the ban on talking about the death of al-Baghdadi. On behalf of the militants of the successor called for the rejection of strife and stability.

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Baghdadi captured? | Colonel Cassad

If Baghdadi was really caught, it is a great success – everything is as if in 1945 near Berlin caught a live Hitler.

However, I think we should wait for official statements from our or the Syrian intelligence services. It is possible that this is another element of the information war against the Caliphate in order to undermine the morale of fighters who stubbornly continue to defend the Western part of Mosul.

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Baghdadi gets in touch | Colonel Cassad

In fact, Baghdadi (or those who in his name control the Caliphate), clearly intends/intend to give a full-fledged battle for Mosul and does not intend to implement the American plan for the Caliphate to surrender of Mosul without a fight, having gone to fight in Syria instead. On the contrary, claims and appeals to hold Mosul and to render more fierce resistance against the “crusaders” and “atheists” can lead to increased resistance fighters in Iraq, as well as to growth of number of terrorist attacks in Iraq and Turkey.

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