Russia prevents condemnation of the DPRK | Colonel Cassad

The USA, because of the launch of a rocket hypothetically able to hit targets in Alaska, wanted to push through the UN Security Council a statement condemning North Korea for “aggressive challenge to the world community”, which was supposed to open the way to discussion on the practice of a new package of sanctions against the DPRK and most importantly, to create the ground for pressure on China, which the US demanded to have a stronger economic pressure on North Korea, that Kim ceased to launch rockets without any preconditions.

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China, Russia send ships after U.S. aircraft carrier

China and Russia have dispatched intelligence-gathering vessels from their navies to chase the USS Carl Vinson nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which is heading toward waters near the Korean Peninsula, multiple sources of the Japanese government revealed to The Yomiuri Shimbun.

It appears that both countries aim to probe the movements of the United States, which is showing a stance of not excluding military action against North Korea. The Self-Defense Forces are strengthening warning and surveillance activities in the waters and airspace around the area, according to the source.

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The US army is preparing for a harsh reality | Colonel Cassad

In other respects, the growth of the military-political tension and the intensification of global competition has highlighted the need to enhance the readiness of the armed forces to conduct large-scale offensive operations against the armies of the industrial and post-industrial type. These changes are clearly visible as the United States and Russia. The parties are slowly adapting to the new normal, the war in Syria, Iraq and Ukraine, are the source of experience that is being implemented gradually in the course of actual military construction.

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China, the Great Game, and Globalism | ALEXANDER DUGIN

Trump is departing from classical geopolitics founded on the confrontation of Land and Sea. It is on this framework that rested the Great Game between Russia and Britain in the 19th century as well as essentially all geopolitics of the 20th century – from Mackinder to the Cold War up to the purely Atlanticist, unipolar globalization which the American administration has been pursuing up to the last minute.

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China supports Russian initiative to set up Eurasian partnership

“Russia has come up with an initiative to create a major Eurasian partnership which would be able to bring together members of the EEU [Eurasian Economic Union], SCO [Shanghai Cooperation Organization] and ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations]. China sees this initiative as a positive and constructive idea and welcomes it,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry official said.

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