Protests in Hamburg | Colonel Cassad

In Hamburg today and continued clashes between police and anti-globalists, who smashed Windows in shops, fought with police and even attacked a police station.
It reported dozens injured, large quantity of burnt and damaged vehicles, and significant damage to community property. The police asked for reinforcements today, as the current forces cannot cope with the protests.

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Marine Le Pen vs Macron: People vs System | ALEXANDER DUGIN

There is a Europe of Peoples and Europe of System and they enter into a radical battle with each other. The System is we call «big capital», «globalism», «left liberalism», «transnationalism», «gender politics» and «encouragement of uncontrolled migration». The People say to this its decisive «NO». The People choose order, identity and traditional values.

The name of France today is Marin Le Pen. Macron is a System biorobot, a senseless cyborg from the Matrix. The living is fighting with the dead and the battlefield is France.

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Hegemony and the attack in St. Petersburg: the role of the sixth column | Alexander Dugin

The sixth column does not go to the square and blows himself up in the car of the St. Petersburg metro. But it – as part of the global liberal globalist network carries the principal responsibility. Because it creates the preconditions for this, the starting conditions. Russia stubbornly resists the stranglehold of globalization. And we suffer and pay with the lives of our people, our loved ones in St. Petersburg or in the Donbass for it. And it is increasingly clear that the choice of camp is not just positioning. There is something deeply religious, as the renunciation of Satan or the service.

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The Right to Oxygen | Sergey Kurginyan

If we allow the final mutation of capitalism and the victory of the mutacapitalism which will fully outline itself on the other side of this final mutation, then we will have to say goodbye to humanness itself. We will have to come to terms with the construction of hell on Earth, a kingdom of lawlessness, a kingdom of absolute evil. Hitler had already tried to build this kingdom once. But, all of his exquisitely sinister inventions will look like innocent mischief once the final capitalist mutation will come to pass, and all that this mutation will beget will materialize. Only decades are left.

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Philip Giraldi: the European Union is deeply flawed | Evrazia

Globalists will do everything possible to destroy trump. In the same way they focused on combating “Brexit” and they are already working to discredit the non-systemic nationalist parties in most of the countries remaining in the EU. Trump is an easy target for many actors in the globalist movement, who hung on the President of the United States labels “racist”, “misogynist”, “homophobe” and “Islamophobe”. Easier to attack, unfairly capitalizing on these topics, rather than criticize what he is doing in reality – and that reality is not as “terribly radical”. I’m sure the pressure will be on trump’s relentless, and it will come from Europe and inside the United States. The media, in particular, its just hate.

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Dugin’s Guideline – The Revolution of Trump

The sensation began with the very first words of the speech trump: “Today is not a normal transfer of power from one to the other. Today, the transfer of power from the establishment – the American people.” So proclaimed trump. Think about it: if the government must be returned to the people, it did not have one. And had a sect of globalists, which all – Americans and everyone else mercilessly lied about democracy. So, there is no democracy. Much? Much. And when you consider that these are the words of the President of the United States, stunning much.

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