The battle in Northern Hama. 24.04.2017 | Colonel Cassad

“Al-Nusra” and “Ahrar al-sham” have actually burned their operating reserves in the April fighting and can only rely on fresh recruits from camps in Idlib, as well as a separate jihadist group from other groups. The main problem of fighters is that after the SAA broke through the main defensive line Halfaya-Tablet-al-Imam-Souran, the second line of defense near Lataminah and Morek, in fact is the key to the southern part of Idlib. In the continuation of the offensive of the SAA at the current pace, the consequences of the collapse of the defense of fighters in North Hama can capture and the neighboring parts of the front, particularly in the area Kerdasa and Maan that the favorable SAA for the development of the situation can lead to total collapse of the southern front rebels.

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VIDEO: Syrian War Update – Northern Hama | AMN

The frontline in Northern Hama has once again erupted in a fury of gunfire, shelling and airstrikes after almost six months of relative calm in the region. The cause for the instability is a large-scale militant offensive being led by the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham terrorist conglomerate and backed various sub-groups of the Free Syrian Army crypto-Salafist, Turko-philic faction.

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Hama. 23.03.2017 | Colonel Cassad

Both sides suffer heavy losses, according to rough estimates, only in March 22, SAA and the rebels lost a few dozen people killed. As trophies, the militants seized several guns and antiaircraft guns, cars, ammo and at least 1 BMP. The Syrians also lost 2 to 4 tanks. The militants during the fighting have lost several trucks and at least 1 tank.

Fighters it shot prisoners and civilians in captured villages who collaborated with the Assad government (it is reported that yesterday were executed between 25 and 35 civilians). FSI Russian and Syrian air force cause constant air strikes on the advancing militants, but in order for this impact to take effect, it will take some time.

The front at the moment has not yet stabilized, so the resolution of the crisis has yet to be achieved. The opponent owns a fully operational initiative.

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Splits | Colonel Cassad

We must understand that in the near future the life in the province of Idlib will be very “exciting”. For example, Idlib will be in the local version to see what would happen with the whole Syria in case if Assad was overthrown and these characters came to power. Considering the sides of the war within Idlib, you can only wish every success to self-destruction.

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The civil war in Idlib | Colonel Cassad

More than 10,000 fighters from various factions in Idlib, and West of Aleppo joined the “Ahrar al-sham”, which thus becomes the 2nd largest jihadist group in Syria after the “Al-Nusra” and a kind of informal leader of the “green” militants in Idlib (although the talks will continue to be dominated by the representatives of the Syrian Free Army). Uniting around “Ahrar al-sham” caused by ongoing fighting between the militants in Idlib, and West of Aleppo. In fact, the “Ahrar al-sham” intended to be the center of gravity of the forces that are at war with “Al-Nusra”. There are now flocking primarily those jihadists who believe “al-Nusra” too radical or unpromising (in the light of the international situation), but are not willing to negotiate with Assad.

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Division | Colonel Cassad

They all seek at least partial political subjectivity and do not want to abandon the goals associated with the creation of the territory of the Syrian state is built on the principles of Sharia.Their dispute with the “Al-Nusra” or “Jund al-Aqsa” is largely not ideological, but methodological. Their ultimate goals are in tune. Therefore, there are difficulties to put all this “green” in the same category at the negotiating table because some people are actually always willing to do the will of foreign masters, and others are considering similar hosts and sponsors as a means to an end, where the preservation of a secular, multi-cultural Syria among the priorities not listed.

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Briefly on Syria | Colonel Cassad

To the North of the city, the FSA, supported by the Turks again repulsed DAESH at Akhtarin and launched an attack on the ledge to the North and West, taking three of the village, pushing the troops of the Caliphate to Dabico and Safrano. During the day, the Turkish artillery and aircraft were treated the position “black” in order to facilitate the task of the infantry of the FSA, which by the evening was able to achieve some tactical successes and to renew the threat of a breakthrough to the Mare, which will lead to the formation of a boiler, which can be 1,800 to 2,300 militants of the Caliphate.

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The offensive in Hama | Colonel Cassad

SAA looked at the whole thing and counterattacked to the North-East of Hama, pushing the militants of the “Jund al-Aqsa” out of a large piece of territory from which the militants fought the army in recent days.

Along the way, the Russian Air force bombed the warehouses and the camps of militants around Idlib, where the still ongoing collision between the “Jund al-Aqsa” and “Ahrar al-sham”. To the rescue of “Ahrar al-sham” of Latakia and from the front near Aleppo fighters of the various factions sent help.

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Jabhat al-Nusra ‘al-Qaeda’s largest formal affiliate in history’

The report titled “Torture was my punishment” provides a grim and unsettling account of abduction, torture and summary killings, including the deliberate targeting of journalists, lawyers and even children, by members of the so-called Aleppo Conquest coalition, which includes Jabhat al-Nusra, Shamiya Front, Nureddin Zengi Brigade and Division 16, and the Ahrar al-Sham Islamic movement in Idlib, which is allied with Jabhat al-Nusra in Jaish al-Fatah (Army of Conquest).

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