Unlawful presence | Colonel Cassad

SDF operations to the North of Deir-ez-Zor demonstrate that the Kurds are for the United States is the main bet in the ongoing war. While there is the factor of ISIS, the United States remains able under this pretext to support the Kurds, at least until the moment when finally taken Raqqa (probably by the end of autumn, plus or minus a month) and the liberated territory to the North of the Euphrates.

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Dugin about the coup in Turkey & Azerbaijan

Erdogan made all the conclusions after the failed coup d’état. He perfectly understands that behind the Gülen sect, who are responsible for this coup, is the US, and there is not the slightest doubt. Accordingly, during this year Erdogan very carefully restructured his policy towards strengthening the sovereignty of Turkey, but under new conditions.

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Killing Pavel | VIDEO

​”Killing Pavel,” a documentary produced by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and its Ukrainian partner, Slidstvo.Info​,​ reveals new details about ​last year’s killing of journalist Pavel Sheremet.

The Belarusian’s reporting had challenged authorities from Minsk to Moscow and Kyiv until he was killed in a car bomb in the Ukrainian capital in July 2016. The film features new information about his death that police never found, raising questions about the nature of the official investigation​.​

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Comey did the trick. Comey can go | Colonel Cassad

Overall, the US is trying in the North of Syria to promote its interests through SDF/YPG and to the South – through the NSA. Former “freedom fighters” are now considered as “used condoms” and the dubious right to lead them now divide Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The territory controlled by the Caliphate all parties to the conflict are now considered as a valuable prize, which carries with it the prospects for expanding areas of control. After signing the agreement in Astana, we can expect more active involvement of Syria, Russia and Iran in the race for territorial control.

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The battle in Northern Hama. 24.04.2017 | Colonel Cassad

“Al-Nusra” and “Ahrar al-sham” have actually burned their operating reserves in the April fighting and can only rely on fresh recruits from camps in Idlib, as well as a separate jihadist group from other groups. The main problem of fighters is that after the SAA broke through the main defensive line Halfaya-Tablet-al-Imam-Souran, the second line of defense near Lataminah and Morek, in fact is the key to the southern part of Idlib. In the continuation of the offensive of the SAA at the current pace, the consequences of the collapse of the defense of fighters in North Hama can capture and the neighboring parts of the front, particularly in the area Kerdasa and Maan that the favorable SAA for the development of the situation can lead to total collapse of the southern front rebels.

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LogoPhere’s Top Ten Ways to Tell When You’re Being Spoofed by False-Flag Sarin Attacks

Now that things have started to calm down a bit after Donald T. Dildo dropped a load of Tomahawks on Syria last week, a lot of us can resume pushing back against the insufferable idiots and anti-Assad liars in government, MSM, and cyberspace who are trying to pin yet another false-flag “sarin attack” on Bashar al-Assad in order to justify taking him out. Following my insistence that there was no “sarin attack” at Khan Sheikhoun a lot of people are asking: “How can we know it wasn’t sarin?”

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Only Chlorine, Not Sarin, Involved In The Khan Sheikhun Incident | MOA

The medical and technical evidence is not consistent with a sarin attack by the Syrian government. All of the videos and pictures of the incident were taken in al-Qaeda controlled territory. All witnesses were under al-Qaeda control. How much of the incident was staged for videos (see al-Qaeda doctor video linked above) or how many of the witnesses were told to lie is not testable under current circumstance. The Syrian government insist that it has given up all its chemical weapons. The Russian government also asserts that no chemical weapon attack took place.

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