The list of requirements for Qatar | Colonel Cassad

Of course, these requirements are in direct conflict with the concept of national sovereignty, but the decision on spanking Qatar has already been made, so we see such brazen demands from those who to put it mildly, are not without sin.

Qatar is hoping that the deployment on the territory of Qatar, of the Turkish army, which Erdogan has moved quickly in recent weeks, as well as the intercession of Iran, will keep Saudi Arabia from attempts at intervention to overthrow the ruling regime.

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The CIA’s Islamist Cover Up | NYRB

The CIA is blocking the release of information because the subject remains sensitive—both for the West and the Muslim world. In Washington, the CIA could come under fire if its own archives would confirm and fill out the current sketch view of history. For the Brotherhood, amid its current re-emergence as a major political force in Egypt and other countries, it would be extremely damaging to know that illustrious figures in its history were working for the country that most exemplifies the decadent, imperialist forces it has struggled against for decades.

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