Chemical attack in Syria and the failure of journalism | Colonel Cassad

Journalistic reports about the chemical attack in Idlib province, which happened on Tuesday began a fresh example of the collapse of journalism. As soon as it comes to Syria, or more precisely, as soon as it comes to a war, in which Western countries have decided to put one of the parties bloodthirsty tyrant who should be removed, the entire investigative journalism and critical thinking all vanish like smoke.

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Russian Federation about the destruction of the warehouse with chemical weapons in Idlib | Colonel Cassad

Russian defense Ministry officially commented on the story of the “chemical attack in Idlib” pointing out that the cause of the incident was a blow from Syrian aviation in the Khan of Sheyhun against the warehouse of militants, where among other things, they were collecting explosive shells filled with the handicraft production chemical weapons, which the militants have repeatedly used in Syria, which caused collateral damage among fighters and civilians.

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New “Sarin” event in Syria doesn’t add up | AMN

Within seconds of exposure to sarin, the affects of the gas begins to target the muscle and nervous system. There is an almost immediate release of the bowels and the bladder, and vomiting is induced. When sarin is used in a concentrated area, it has the likelihood of killing thousands of people. Yet, such a dangerous gas, and the White Helmets are treating bodies with little concern to their exposed skin. This has to raise questions.

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The Crisis of the Truther World | AKIRA

The existence of Branko Malic implies a civilization where opposition politics has become consumerism, which necessarily deviates to a point where completely delusional nonsense replaces critical political discourse entirely. This process is pushed forward by deviant subcultures in which rebellion is equated with believing in retarded bullshit, usually a quite deliberate stoner endeavor to understand the politics as a Saturday Morning Cartoon – this being the typical limit of socialization.

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CIA Docs Reveal Obsession With UFOs, Magic |

The CIA’s interest in magic got a lot bigger in short order, and within a few years they were bringing in television psychic Uri Geller, who famously used to bend spoons on TV with the power of his mind. Incredibly, the CIA was quickly convinced that Geller had real powers, and tried to move into remote viewing, the attempt to conduct surveillance on sites they don’t have access to via supernatural means.

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WAPO eats even more crow

Only after numerous outlets called out the Post’s changes did the newspaper finally append an editorial note at the very bottom of the article more than half a day later saying “An earlier version of this story incorrectly said that Russian hackers had penetrated the U.S. electric grid. Authorities say there is no indication of that so far. The computer at Burlington Electric that was hacked was not attached to the grid.”

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Washington Post eats crow | RT

Facing threats of legal action, the Washington Post has been forced to add an editor’s note distancing the paper from a dubious website, PropOrNot, which it had initially endorsed as a group of nonpartisan experts on “Russian propaganda.”

The Post came under fire on social media for its provocative hit piece which claimed that “Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda campaign” actually influenced the US presidential election.

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What if God is a Troll? | The Mendacity of N. Wahid Azal

N.Wahid Azal is a completely unstable fruitcake and the American Left is such a black hole of Gullibility that he could easily dominate the whole anti-Dugin narrative. As such, his turn to the Leftard side is actually a wonderful gift to the Eurasian cause. In the aftermath of Trump’s victory the left will turn straight to the Dugin-Putin-Trump conspiracy theory, just as it took refuge in 9/11 conspiracy theory during the Bush years. As such, “Enemies” like Glenn Beck and. N. Wahid Azal are worth their weight in gold, as the mainsteam narrative is utterly compromised because the messengers are batshit crazy, but we get the best kind of free advertising on earth.

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