The Crisis of Branko Malić | AKIRA

Trutherism expresses that which is ultimately lower, and cannot be conceived in the terms of adult thought, operating at the level of comic books and bad action movies. The reason truthers are so bitter and miserable is that trutherism is a method of dealing with deep seated social butthurt in an imaginary environment for the purpose of control, but there is no way to control Incel butthurt. Namely trutherism exists in order to bring about Counter-Butthurt, i.e. pseudo-self-esteem and pseudo-status to the truther. They are, therefore, fruity and inverted.

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The Crisis of the Truther World | AKIRA

The existence of Branko Malic implies a civilization where opposition politics has become consumerism, which necessarily deviates to a point where completely delusional nonsense replaces critical political discourse entirely. This process is pushed forward by deviant subcultures in which rebellion is equated with believing in retarded bullshit, usually a quite deliberate stoner endeavor to understand the politics as a Saturday Morning Cartoon – this being the typical limit of socialization.

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Wahhabism is not a “False Flag” | Akira

Trutherism is a sort of identity politics of the socially retarded white basement fatty, in some ways an absolutely pure form of identity politics in as much as it is composed entirely of bullshit, existing solely to satisfy the deranged psychosis of the human waste products of western civilization. Every complex human event is reduced to the level of a Saturday morning cartoon or bad action movie, with the truther-tard (of course) cast in the role of the noble internet adventurer fighting against the demonic space lizard conspiracy.

Conspiracy Theory subcultures create safe spaces for idiocy and failure. These subcultures offer a recreational activity that has been entirely sealed off from external reality. They exist solely to satisfy the (usually deeply pathological) emotional needs of their membership. These subculture are now entirely virtual and evidently breed socially retarded basement fatties that threaten nothing at all.

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