On the Arktos scandal | Akira

Usually I ignore the gay soap operas of the Alt Right, but the current debacle involves the fate of Arktos, the most important English language publisher of the New Right, which I have been a longtime fan and supporter of. I await John Morgan’s side of the story, but clearly the result is a disaster area full of toxic personal vendettas that are being prosecuted by all sides in the spirit of vengeful forum trolls.

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The Crisis of Branko Malić | AKIRA

Trutherism expresses that which is ultimately lower, and cannot be conceived in the terms of adult thought, operating at the level of comic books and bad action movies. The reason truthers are so bitter and miserable is that trutherism is a method of dealing with deep seated social butthurt in an imaginary environment for the purpose of control, but there is no way to control Incel butthurt. Namely trutherism exists in order to bring about Counter-Butthurt, i.e. pseudo-self-esteem and pseudo-status to the truther. They are, therefore, fruity and inverted.

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Apocalypse as Praxis | AKIRA

The very power of the system, its relentless totalitarianism, its extreme manipulation and intrusion has driven the American insane. It is a broken and fat kind of insane, mostly. The evidence of this is overwhelming with an increasingly large part of the population on powerful psychiatric medication from early childhood, particularly among the elite upper classes. The use of powerful psychiatric drugs on the population is now so widespread that they show up in trace amounts in the water supply and the fish.

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Mysteries of the McGnosis | AKIRA

The premise of this thought experiment is to completely suspend any sense of absurdity and revulsion, and to treat Liberalism in its modern consumerist and postmodern form as if it was a full and whole religious phenomenon, and to examine it as such. This is a departure from the Traditionalist analysis of modernity because I will argue that instead of a total desacralization of the world, the metaphysical mutation that defines the core of the modern west is actually a radical implosion of the whole Sacred/Profane polarity that confines this entire polarity completely within the container of the Individual, just as the extreme development along a monotheistic creationist line finally concentrates the whole of the sacred (but not the profane) within God.

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Turkey: Battle of the Conspiracy theories | Akira

Whatever actually happened during the coup, we can observe in the clashing conspiracy theories evidence of a profound transformation. The “Evil Dictator” role in the western propaganda narrative has now been taken over by Erdogan, who has displaced Putin as the enemy of freedom. Erdogan is responding in kind by blaming the United States. In other words the NATO alliance is visibly collapsing and Turkey is turning in a new direction.

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Death to Trutherism! | Akira

Just to be absolutely clear:

Retarded conspiracy theory trolls will not be allowed to fill my comments sections with bullshit. This includes all varieties of Jew-conspiracy theory, and all of the “ISIS is a False Flag” bullshit. We have a global Empire to overthrow, and I don’t have the time or the patience to deal with the pathologically stupid waste products of modern American consumerism.

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