Russia is negotiating the deployment of troops of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to Syria | Colonel Cassad

As part of the fronts after the agreement in Astana was quiet, the mode of delimitation of the parties it would be convenient to use forces of third States not directly involved in the conflict, and the released forces of the Syrian army and its allies, to use on the fronts where a truce is not in effect.

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Kazakhstan and its problems | Colonel Cassad

In the end, Kazakhstan should in the medium term with serious challenges that threaten including its existence in the current borders. Along with accumulating internal contradictions, there are external threats that are associated with attempts to transform it into a breeding ground for the next Vilayat or another front in the war, the United States and Russia, whose task is to reproduce Russophobia, migrants, crime, drug trafficking and drained it all in Russia, extending a “cordon Sanitaire” around Russia. In these circumstances, to maintain “stability” will be increasingly difficult and we are in the short to medium term and will surely see new performances, and new attacks.

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