Briefly on Syria | Colonel Cassad



There was a fresh batch of photos of the transfer of us technology to Syria. In the area of Kobane was captured columns of armored vehicles, trucks and engineering vehicles that can deploy on U.S. bases South of Kobani.

Obviously, that the equipment is being moved under the coming storm of Raqqa, as the current level of technical equipment of the Kurds to make a decision on this issue is problematic. The increase in the military presence of the US army says that preparation for the summit entered its final phase.

Of other significant events.

1. SDF and parts of SOF cut the road of Raqqa – Damascus. The Caliphate counter-attack slowed the advance of the Americans and the Kurds, cause them losses, but to stop them they can’t. The balance of power clearly not in favor of “black”. They only need to rely on the fact that they are surrounded in Tabqa, a group of militants holding the city and part of the dam will be able to win a lot of time to drag out the issue with the assault on the capital of the Caliphate.

2. SAA launched an offensive West of Aleppo aimed to cut off the protrusion with the base in Anadan, and Kafr Heritage Name, where in the summer of 2016, the militants tried to counterattack in the area of mallah farms and Viramune to prevent the encirclement of Aleppo. Unlike Hama, here attack is not head-on, and trying to organize a strike in converging directions in order to get to the rear group of fighters holding the ledge. In the first step the army has succeeded in advancing Tamura and marked a decisive intentions related to the environment.However, the resistance fighters is growing, so that’s just clearly not.


3. Near Palmyra, the SAA decided to change the record and dealt a sudden blow to the South of the city, which the militants did not expect. As a result, the army has advanced almost 50 miles, knocking out militants from surrounding heights. The point here is not only to just beat the desert from the militants, but that coming to the village bard and ensuring the safety of the road leading from it to Palmyra, secure the southern flank of the group, which is fighting to the North-West of Palmyra.In fact, it ensures operation as attack on Deir ez-Zor with hollow flanks would be a perfect adventure. In this regard, it is possible that we may soon see action against Chuvashia to ensure the Northern flank of the group.

4. In the Northern Hama without significant changes.

5. In Deraa and the suburbs of Damascus continued fierce positional battles with an uncertain outcome.

6. Notorious Jihadi-Julian röpke did dull stuffing about “chemical attack” West of Aleppo, than once again confirmed what the public still craves new chemical.attacks.

Stauffenberg was Right!