Russian military instructors are training Syrian infantry | Colonel Cassad



Ivan Sidorenko has a large selection of photos devoted to Russian military instructors (probably from SSO) training the Syrian infantry to take part in the fighting in Eastern Qalamoun. – zinc

PS. The lack of a good, steady infantry is one of the main problems all parties fighting in the Syrian theater (well, except that the Caliphate). This issue during the campaign of 2016 year are not precisely revealed, and judging by the activity in this direction, she left. Scheme – we just give the weapons, and you fight, of course it does, but not quite.

Therefore, in addition to supplying arms, it is necessary to improve the combat training of the Syrians that fight with the coalition, superfluous will not be exact. The results of the active work on the creation of “the 5th Legion”, already seen during the attack on Palmyra.The guys that train at our photos, you’ll get the opportunity to prove themselves during the spring campaign of 2017.

PS2. And speaking of alifatica. On Sakhalin(!) FSB slammed a group of characters from Central Asia, who were going to go to war in Syria on the side of the Caliphate.


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