The battle of Palmyra. 12 Dec. Morning | Colonel Cassad

December 12, 6:04

On the situation in the area of Palmyra.

By the morning of 12 December, the Caliphate not only controlled the city, but also drew in the Syrian position to the West, carrying out attacks on the North and forcing the Syrians to withdraw on the highway to Tiyas. As for the track itself lacks fortifications except for the rare roadblocks and hastily appointed VAPI, it makes organizing the defense a bit difficult, although the work of aircraft and helicopters makes it a bit easier. From HOMS to Palmyra and Tiyas reinforcements, it is argued that they are preparing a counterattack to retake the city. Judging by some photos, they decided to remove some parts from the Damascus, which of course could be done earlier, as Eastern ghouta and Yarmouk’s not going anywhere. Now in an emergency order is necessary to increase the grouping to stabilize the front and to regain lost ground.

On the morning of 12 December, the Caliphate claimed that busy Bairat and the triangle of roads to the West of the city.

It is understood that in the threat from the North, step on Palmyra with a view to its re-release, too risky (you can easily obtain a second Tabqa), you first need to regain control of the oil fields and hills to the North of the road through Juvies-Gazal, and then preparing to move to the left yesterday positions. This obviously will take time in order to wait for necessary reinforcements to replenish the parts that have suffered losses over the past week, to fit the equipment (which is important, considering how many abandoned the city during the retreat). After which it will be possible to start re-assault. It would be a mistake to think that the enemy will sit in defense and wait for the SAA to gather strength. “Black” continue to press the highway Palmyra-Tiyas and palpate the position of the SAA in the direction of al-Qaryatayn. It is quite reasonable that having achieved major success, they will try not only to consolidate but also to develop.

Air force base Tiyas or T4.

The scheme of the onset of action, broken down into phases.

The former head of the Russian General staff Baluyevsky criticized the actions of the Syrian military and our near Palmyra.

The situation around the Syrian Palmyra evidence of failures in military planning, including due to prolonged humanitarian pauses, allowing the militants to regroup and escape retribution, said Sunday, army General Yuri Baluyevsky, chief of General staff of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation in 2004-2008. “This is another blow to the prestige. Including – and on our prestige”– said Baluyevsky, commenting on the capture of Palmyra by the militants banned IG. It was necessary to anticipate this development, the General said, and calculate their actions. “The fact that the militants will not stop – it was clear. And the fact that today we do I like the military, it is difficult to understand – that the humanitarian pause, in particular,” – said Baluyevsky.“You see, – he continued – that it is necessary to ensure the safety of the population, withdraw it from the fire. But when these pauses last for weeks and during these weeks recovery time fighters, whose hands are stained with blood, and they are released including like comment, and with a personal weapon – that’s what I don’t understand.”

Speaking about the situation with Palmyra, he noted the failures of those who plan military operations in Syria.“Whatever the Syrian army, but not to track the concentration of enemy forces near Palmyra… This is wrong. It should not be. And my colleagues who are there – I do not understand them. The Syrians may be no such opportunities as we do. But we should have seen this – if so – what is a PAL?”
While the General has no doubt that control over the Palmyra will be restored. “What it will return is no questions,” – said Baluyevsky. zinc

PS. In fact, these causes of military failure at Palmyra I pointed out yesterday. The only thing I do not agree with Baluyevsky, is a criticism of the issues of Amnesty, as this strategy of national reconciliation has resulted in the liberation of several enclaves near Damascus and eased the occupation of Aleppo, although it is obvious that it has pitfalls. As for the rest, I’m sure that incident will be the subject of serious litigation.

Reinforcements move to the front..

In total, the Caliphate declared by is captured in Palmyra trophies (intact and damaged) – 30 tanks, 6 IFVs, 6 122-mm guns, 7 ZU-23, as well as various vans, the ATGM and small arms, ammunition, accoutrements.
As stated, about a dozen prisoners.

Abandoned tanks, APCS, trucks.


The armored trucks.

Below, trophies taken by the Caliphate in strongholds to the North of Palmyra.

Captured in Palmyra trophies.

In General, the trophies, the picture is certainly bleak, threw a bunch of equipment that “black” must use in subsequent operations.

Stauffenberg was Right!