Dugin’s Guideline – Islam is different




Hello, you watch the program “Directive Dugin.” Today Muslims celebrate the end of the day of fasting Ramadan – Eid al-Fitr.

It is a mistake to regard Islam as a homogenous phenomenon and make his account of categorical judgments. Read all Muslim extremists as silly as a cute smile and insist that Islam – a religion of peace. Everything is much more complicated – in Islam there is peace, and war, and spiritual depth, and aggression, and subtle refined mysticism, and unfeeling cruelty. Any religion – a phenomenon so polysyllabic, diverse and contradictory that simplistic cliches and superficial labels look very silly. Islam is different.

Recently, attention is drawn for the most part it is radical Islam – Salafism or Wahhabism. It is best to put the media public relations, it is more active, more colorful and more aggressive than other forms. Salafis are trying at every opportunity to be in front of the stage. And they succeed. But it is very important to understand that this so-called pure Islam is nothing other than a remake, like postmodern parody, simplifying the complex structure of the Islamic religion, theology and mysticism to the level of primitive extremist slogans. And always politically colored. If you look, someone is directed against the overwhelming number of cases of aggression pure Islam, it becomes obvious that they will be strategic or tactical US adversaries, as well as those of their allies, which threaten to get out of US control.

This applies to the “Al-Qaeda”, and DAESH (illegal in Russia), and the terrorists of the Northern Caucasus. In fact, the network of so-called “pure” Islam perform the same geopolitical function as the color revolutions, marches LGBT, countless NGOs selectively protecting human rights, when it is beneficial to the United States, and other fostering George Soros, the World Government responsible for the escalation of chaos.

But such a “pure” Islam, created in the 18th century by British special forces artificial provocation of Arab nationalism in the fight against the Ottoman Empire, professed the vast minority of Muslims. Yes, now bearded thugs bleary-eyed and filthy finger extended and associated with Islam. And someone obviously well conceived. But this is an extremely simplified and therefore has only the wrong way – the result of a conscious ongoing smear campaign.

The vast majority of Muslims profess an Islam completely different from DAESH. It is called traditional. The main difference from the Salafi “pure” Islam that traditional Islam is much more complex, richer and deeper. It includes a complex philosophical interpretation, theological nuances, deep attention to the spiritual world of man. Traditional Islam is difficult as any full and inclusive spiritual tradition. And it certainly has the height and the lowlands, examples of spiritual greatness – because Ibn al-Arabi, al-Suhrawardi, Ibn Sina, or Rumi, but there are many examples of cruelty, brutality and wickedness. And the majority of Muslims living in traditional Islam, are themselves between these two extremes: if they stand on the spiritual path, then move to the higher models. If you prefer to be content with little, then firmly hold the traditions and customs of their ancestors. And it’s not enough. And only then, when they move away from religion, from its spirit and its guidelines, they stand on the path of perversion, innovation and pure lawlessness.

In Russia, until the last few decades, traditional Islam, not only prevailed, but it was the only one. Salafism also has been delivered to us recently and as part of the West’s geopolitical strategy for loosening inside Russia. However, just as liberalism: despite all the differences is one of our kind. Where one is, there is more. Therefore, almost all of Russia’s Muslims followed by the spiritual tradition. Someone with great success who are less successful. Moreover, in contrast to the pure Islam, Arab, Eurasian radical Islam is most prevalent among the Turkic peoples, following in the tradition of Genghis Khan, for whom respect for all religions was absolute law. Hard conquering half the world cut whole nations, but the priest of any denomination are always spared and supported. Therefore, when the khans of the Golden Horde to Islam, they were not subjected to the Christians who were in their power, repression and provided full freedom of religion. When the situation changed, and the Muslims were under the authority of the Orthodox Empire, Christians responded in kind – giving full right to practice their religion without any restrictions. The Legacy of Genghis Khan worked in both directions.

So it must be, and continue: imported provocative psevdoislama in Russia should not be at all, and traditional Islam should be respected and supported.

All the best! You’ve seen “Directive Dugin” about Muslims and their holiday.

So, congratulations to all the traditional Muslims on their holiday! Those who remain faithful to the precepts of their ancestors and to preserve traditions, that in the end, and will be the winner.

See archive transmission – http://tsargrad.tv/

Stauffenberg was Right!