“Bastion” missile system in Syria was used against ground targets



MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The use of coastal missile complexes “Bastion” to destroy ground targets in Syria is the first such experience in the history, which aims to find out all the combat capabilities of this system in real combat conditions, said RIA Novosti President of the Academy of geopolitical problems, doctor of military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov.

The launch of a new coastal missile system Bastion coastal forces of the Pacific fleet. July 22, 2016
In Primorye for the first time have been firing from “Bastion”

Earlier Tuesday, during the meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Minister of defense General of the army Sergei Shoigu reported that coastal missile complexes “Bastion” made triggers on targets deep in Syria.

“Really, we are talking about the first ever combat use of the complex “Bastion”, equipped with missiles “Onyx” against ground targets. I assume that the shooting was carried out not so much to destroy an important enemy targets, but in order to test in combat conditions, the possibility of using such weapons in ground conditions,” — said Sivkov.

The expert suggested that homing missiles “Onyx” could be modified specifically to destroy ground targets, since the principles of missile guidance, marine and ground targets are significantly different.

“The fact that these missiles have a homing head designed for sea targets, shooting at ground targets from such a system it is not provided. In such cases, shooting is the so-called “numerical rate”, according to navigation systems, and in this case, the error when hitting the target can reach about 150 meters,” — said the Agency interlocutor.

Sivkov also suggested that the terrorists in Syria from “Bastion” could be launched and Maritime missile – in this case, shots were fired at radio-goals.

“Perhaps by the accumulation of armored vehicles, as the head of the rocket could release radiation from the metal on the backdrop of the desert, or on any radiant object of type radar, and the missile locked on to her. In this case, the accuracy of the “Onyx” will be the same as when you hover over the ship with an accuracy of about one meter,” — said the expert.


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