What if God is a Troll? | The Mendacity of N. Wahid Azal


Is he God or just retarded?

In early November 2016 Counterpunch published another mendacious and unsourced hit piece from N. Wahid Azal, entitled “Sufism in the service of Empire: The Case of the Maryamiyyah”, in which he alleged without evidence of any kind that Alexander Dugin is in league with the Maryamiyya Order, and that the Maryamiyya murdered Rene Guenon. Now if Wahid had simply stuck to Alexander Dugin, he could have told any lie he wished and gotten away with it, as our pretend-Left has not the slightest shred of intellectual integrity. The “fearless voice of the American Left” is afraid of lawyers however, so his highly actionable accusations against the Maryamiyya were a bridge too far, and then (in true form) Wahid started an extremely nasty fight with his only source, Mark Kolsow, who sent counterpunch an email and the article was taken down.

N. Wahid Azal sure named a lot of names, but facts are nowhere to be found. In order to respond to Azal’s lies I have scoured all the main archives of Dugin’s writings looking for an essay or article about Frithjof Schuon. He is mentioned in passing a few times, but I have been unable to find anything that actually addresses his work directly. By contrast Dugin has literally written volumes about Rene Guenon , Julius Evola, Henry Corbin, and Radical Traditionalism. This clear lack of interest is hardly surprising given the vast distance between Schuon and the Russian School of Radical Traditionalism, and between the Maryamiyya and Alexander Dugin’s Old believer Orthodox Christian faith. Furthermore, Alexander Dugin has denounced western “Guenonistry ” in the most scathing terms, and it is obvious that the term encompasses the followers of Schuon. (For the rest of Azal’s banal lies see appendix 1)

“Frankly, I hate traditionalists—no matter whether they are of domestic or Western origin. They are rabble. Good people do real work or wage wars, even if they have little chance of success. All over the world.”

-Alexander Dugin

“Guenonistry – its authors, repeating Guenon, treat him as a guru, engage in repetition of involved Guenonist discourse (without mastering his language) with very small deviations and considering this activity as a kind of intellectual hobby. Someone like collecting stamps, some like sadomasochism, and some who consistently explores the crisis of the modern world, examining the signs of the times: it is a kind of niche for a certain type of European characters who see it as a discourse Guenon.”

-Alexander Dugin

While a seemingly innocuous crank to most observers not informed of his fifteen year record of death threats and harassment, a demented post-modern abomination like N. Wahid Azal is hardly in any position to attack the Maryamiyya. He accuses at length the whole of “western Sufism”, but what is he but a western sufi and in fact the worst possible poster child for everything that is wrong with western Sufism? What kind of a satanic project is it to mix Sufism with the infected vomit of Crowleyism, and the most dangerous sacraments in Central American Shamanism? Who is it who is selling the kind of snake oil that leaves dumb white hippies incurably insane and permanently brain damaged? (Not that anyone is buying Azal’s brand…)

A few years ago a Sufi friend of mine told me that “Nima Wahid Azal“— an infamous internet troll — was now trying to pass himself off as a supporter of Alexander Dugin. At the time this revelation struck me as a bit odd as Wahid’s post-Islamic psychedelic “Sufism” is ostensibly (at least as far as his mountains of obfuscatory mumbo-jumbo, visions of nude talking Kangaroos and delusions of grandeur are concerned) at the very opposite pole from Eurasianism and Fourth Political Theory. His unlikely attraction to Dugin followed by his betrayal (and outright snitching on Traditionalists in Academia) may actually have something to do with N. Wahid Azal‘s thwarted lifelong ambition to become a famous New Age crackpot.


Now, contextualized by his psychiatrists under the rubric of a “Paranoid Schizophrenic” with “Delusions of Godhood” rather than, technically speaking, “the Self-Disclosed Theophany of Beautific Magnificence and Majestic Scintillance”; the origins of N. Wahid Azal are to be found during the early twenty first century within his trolling and cyberstalking of the Baha’i that occurred in talk.religion.bahai Usenet group. During that period, and while in exile after being expelled from nearly every forum and email list to which he had ever subscribed; N. Wahid Azal proclaimed himself to be the universal messiah and penultimate divine messenger (or ‘manifestation of God’ in Baha’i technical language) come to establish a new global religious order that is to eventually succeed and supplant all religions and belief systems throughout the world. In time Azal has pioneered a new form of mind control cult made up only of himself.


Be that as it may, the really sick and repulsive details of N. Wahid Azal’s one-man mind control cult [1] are better left for another day, only to say that –- and as regularly outlined in many Iranian webpages — he has literally spent almost his entire adult life cyberstalking the poor Baha’i. But let us turn here to the checkered history of the Fatimaya Sufi Order itself, of which N. Wahid Azal is the founder, leader, and sole known member:

The Fatimiya Sufi Order


Nima Wahid Azal (born 1971 in Iran) was originally Nima Sadra Hazini, (AKA over a hundred other aliases), he has had at least twenty websites devoted to himself, he has founded (and is the sole known member of) at least three religions, has declared himself the reincarnation of more prophets than I can keep track of [2], he is reported to have announced himself to be God on multiple occasions [3], and is alleged by the entire Iranian online community to be batshit crazy [4]. He has been writing regularly about Alexander Dugin as some kind of “analyst” for the sad leftarded rag that was once Counterpunch. [5]


As a child Nima allegedly lived in West Germany and Iran. Nima’s family was allegedly associated with the elites of the western puppet regime in Iran [6], so they allegedly fled to America, allegedly on a CIA private jet [7], after the Islamic Revolution in 1979, and then moved to Australia in 1982. It was in Australia that the young Nima encountered an aborigine shaman who taught him how to get high by chewing tree bark and sucking on the ass of dead cane toads. After sucking toad ass and huffing the sacramental butane for 14 hours, the young prophet was initiated into dream-time and his cosmic twin: McJesus_tha_Splenda© descended upon him and revealed the great secret of his mission:

He was to be the greatest Guru, the final Guru, and the seal of the Guru as an incarnation of the pure, absolute, transcendent, primordial Guru in the final and ultimate incarnation. He was to become the alpha and the omega of Guru. [8]


In 1989 after completing his high school Nima returned to the United States to make the proper pilgrimage to the pure land of the Guru: California. Here Nina had many profound experiences with local entheogens and was initiated into the sacred mysteries of the Hot Tub. After his sacred immersion in the baptismal Hot Tub waters, his cosmic twin, McJesus_tha_Splenda©, descended upon him again and revealed to him his sacred destiny [9] to manifest his cosmic nature as the most annoying internet troll of all time. Also he had to find a talking Kangaroo [10] and take over the Bahia religion.

In 1999 Azal returned to the Gold Coast of Queensland where he had many fun adventures with a sarcastic crocodile and a silly parrot in his mystical quest to find the talking kangaroo. Some years later he was using an Australian entheogen (known as “Crystal Meth”) when the female cosmic principle manifested itself in the form of a wacky talking Kangaroo he named “Fatima”, who anointed Nami as the reincarnation of Subh-i-Azal, and thus the proper leader of the Bahia faith. In 2004 he legally changed his name to Wahid Azal to declare himself the return of Subh-i-Azal. From that time onwards Azal has waged an endless and pitiless war trying to take over the main Haifan branch of the Baha’i via the internet [11]. The actual Baha’i, however, have adamantly denied Azal’s claims to anything, and instead maintain that he has spent most of his adult life trolling them from a moldy basement. One recent study published in Iran suggests that a spike in suicide rates among Iranian forum moderators may have even been caused by Wahid himself. This, and the scandalous allegations regarding the “Kangaroo incident” [12] and other related controversies would have soon led to a bitter schism within the ranks of the Azal’s followers, but he has never had any.


After continuously trolling the entire Talk.Religion hierarchy for 72 hours straight without sleep or food, Azal had new mystical visions of the “Divine Feminine” in the naked form of a talking kangaroo, who anointed him the Avatar of the Age, Neo, John Galt, the promised Saoshyant, the true Kalki Avatar, the true Second Coming of Christ, the Imam Mahdi, Aleister Crowley, Jim Jones, Timothy Leary, the promised universal Messiah, the Maitreya Buddha, the Inca Sun-King Wirococha, the Pharaoh Akhenaten, the Sixth Sun of the Mayan prophecies, the Imám al-Qayyúm, the Supreme Godhead, Richard Simmon’s hot pants, etc. Within its specific Internet context, Wahid’s claims, his ‘universalist’ teachings, and many of the details of his visions of the divine feminine are openly cut and pasted from both the Baha’i founder Mirza Husayn ‘Ali Nuri Baha’u’llah, and Frithjof Schuon.

hollow-earthThat said, with so many other striking similarities existing between the Fatimiya and the Maryamiyyah, if Azal had even had a single follower, his Fatimiya  order would have been essentially a Bayani version of Schuonism mixed with the sewer water of Crowleyism and hard drugs. In early 2006 Azal self-published the first volume of his final and absolute sacred text of all time, which he entitled Liber Decatriarchia Mystica: Sketchings of the Thirteen Encompassing Spheres of Building Seven and assorted material. In this book he introduces his thirteen sphere trutheristic model of the universe and unveils new editions of the Kabbalah and the Koran that were revealed to him by the talking kangaroo. In the forthcoming second volume N. Wahid Azal rewrites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to blame the Baha’i for school shooting false flags and 9/11. The remainder of the book will contain material related to his researches on the ancient Aryan UFO base hidden inside the hollow earth.[13]

Be that as it may, the Fatimiya’s rank-and-file is entirely composed of Wahid Azal’s sock puppets. To deflect and smokescreen from his long history of racist trolling, he claims to be the victim of impersonation and cyberstalking. He is however the source of his own “cyberstalking”, perhaps even being the one of the original pioneers of the technique of cyberstalking yourself with a sock puppet. In recent times, allegations of spamming and troll-like behavior continue to bedevil N. Wahid Azal’s quest to advertise his Fatimiya order. A noteworthy example is his total failure to con Wikipedia into giving him an entry. He has also been reportedly threatened with legal intimidation for continuously re-mailing manuscripts of his 100+ volume long magnum opus to every publisher on earth. Unfortunately almost every Iranian (and specifically any kind of organization) has been mercilessly trolled by Azal, also threatened with lawsuits, complete destruction and death, etc. So Azal has gone in another direction, allying himself more and more with the agendas of Western establishments and the core interests of Empire in the Muslim world by trying to sabotage the Eurasian Alliance with the Axis of Resistance.


N.Wahid Azal is a completely unstable fruitcake and the American Left is such a black hole of Gullibility that he could easily dominate the whole anti-Dugin narrative. As such, his turn to the Leftard side is actually a wonderful gift to the Eurasian cause. In the aftermath of Trump’s victory the left will turn straight to the Dugin-Putin-Trump conspiracy theory, just as it took refuge in 9/11 conspiracy theory during the Bush years. As such, “Enemies” like Glenn Beck and. N. Wahid Azal are worth their weight in gold, as the mainsteam narrative is utterly compromised because the messengers are batshit crazy, but we get the best kind of free advertising on earth.

Go ahead and sell them the worst snake oil Wahid, your bedwetting Leftard comrades will buy it and we wish you the best of luck!


Oh God give us a thousand more enemies like these!

Akira Kalashnikov [14]




Wahid Azal’s first essay attacking Dugin at Trutherpunch accused Dugin of Crowleyism and “Occult Fascism”. Both accusations are lies, but of course N. Wahid Azal is himself a devoted follower of Crowley –- a feature of his practice which would certainly scandalize any orthodox Muslim, Sunni or Shi’i.


While not currently accounting himself among the ranks of Hitler the Frog, N. Wahid Azal previously presented himself as some kind of (sufi) White-Nationalist, as well as an avid fan of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. You can listen to N. Wahid Azal’s Holocaust denier Podcast here:




Wahid Azal’s mélange of mystical crackpotism, racialism and Conspiracy Theory place him much closer to the post-war Third Position — and thus “Occult Fascism” — than Alexander Dugin, who in the Fourth Political Theory explicitly rejects the racialist, totalitarian, and genocidal content of the Third Position in no uncertain terms.



Furthermore N. Wahid Azal (and specifically his hundreds of sock puppets) are long known to be staunchly Atlanticist before his very recent turn to fraudulently presenting himself as a supporter of the Islamic Republic –- Wahid being a veritable albatross around the neck of the entire online Iranian diaspora. Withal, it should be underscored that N. Wahid Azal is not (and nor are his sock puppets) any part of the axis of resistance or the anti-colonialist agenda, having called for the destruction of the Islamic Republic, by any means necessary, for years.



1 Personal Communication with the BAHAI INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, 2016. (They sent me the WHOLE FILE, dude.)

2 No really, I didn’t keep track

3 Usenet

4 Go ask them:



5 By the time you assholes at Counterpunch get to hell, Alex will have completely taken over, and you will pay for what you did to his magazine for a long and hideous eternity…

6 BAHIA INTELLIGENCE AGENCY report “Target: Nima Hazini” p.492

7 What, I am supposed to have evidence?

8 The Final Absolute Revelation of Everything and the Complete Structure and Secret History of the Universe by N. Wahid Azal, Volume 42, Chapter 739 (unpublishable manuscript)

9 Confidential Psychiatric report obtained by the BAHIA INTELLIGENCE AGENCY

10 Ibid

11 Again, go ask them



12 “Man found naked in Kangaroo enclosure committed to Mental Observation” Australian morning post

13 This is satire. It was produced with the assistance of the BAHA’I INTELLIGENCE AGENCY as well as the NSAs of at least two countries, the FBI, DHS, and CIA. So sue me, or threaten me with death or whatever, Azal…You who live in such a spider’s house shouldn’t throw so many stones…You missed all the fun trolling Glenn Beck with Trump you sad snitching asshole…

14 Before you accuse me of being in league with the Baha’i, please get it straight Azal:

I am in league with The Abominable Snowmen and The Secret Order of the Māhāniyya (of the mystery of the three principles) although I am myself closer to the lost Order of Dragovitsa.

97 responses to “What if God is a Troll? | The Mendacity of N. Wahid Azal

  1. Jafe Arnold (aka Akira Kalashnikov aka Akira Zantradi), have you abandoned this blog? You haven’t posted anything here since 2017. You must be a busy man pursuing your academic career, but this sort of doxx material will come back to haunt your professional career plus put you in a position of serious legal jeopardy and liability, Jafe.

    Also, how do you go from being a member of the US Communist Party to a Strasserist red-browner and Duginist?


    • I’m not Jafe Arnold (good guess though) and you can eat shit and die. You call yourself a “leftist” and all you want to do is snitch people? Go eat your cheese you little rat.


  2. In all your research about Nima, did you ever come across his connection to the late “Mahdi Sheikhbahai ‘Safi Ali Shah the second’ Master of NISO Sufi order, who passed away” on December 13, 2015 in presumably Rotterdam, in the Netherlands?
    He met the late Pir in Albuquerque, if I recall, and then flew from Newark, NJ to the Netherlands in 1998 to attend a “festival”. He returned to New Jersey with a man named Qasemi. They lived in my mother’s house for a few months before I managed to get it sold. Nima and my late husband, who also was bat shit crazy who also had more Internet aliases than I can count, end up hating each other.


  3. Nima Hazini (Wahid Azal) is a Fake Sufi. He is a disgruntled former Baha’i who lives without working…no job. He is a Racist. He is a Liar.
    He posted a terrible diatribe against me on Youtube. I once had a brief affair with his grandmother and he has never let me forget it!


  4. You have claimed here that my initial article published by CounterPunch in November 2016 was unsourced. Other than one source who did not wish to go on record with their name, the augmented version of the article names all of its sources by name one by one.

    Are you willing to amend that information now? Because if you aren’t prepared to that, you be informed that,when I obtain a court order against your site here, WordPress will be obliged by law to also disclose to me all your personal details with which you have registered this site — name, location etc — and I will publicize that information all over the internet as well as come after you personally for any/all damages.


    • “13 This is satire. It was produced with the assistance of the BAHA’I INTELLIGENCE AGENCY as well as the NSAs of at least two countries, the FBI, DHS, and CIA. So sue me, or threaten me with death or whatever, Azal…You who live in such a spider’s house shouldn’t throw so many stones…You missed all the fun trolling Glenn Beck with Trump you sad snitching asshole…”


      • Very well, “Akira.” You asked for it. And fyi I don’t just live in a spider’s house. I am the Spider itself that draws in its prey into its web for the kill! Taking down people like you and your master is what I do for a living. Now, I will also find out the names of your Bahai contacts one by one and disclose this information directly to Iranian authorities. I wonder what they will think of Dugin then when they learn he and his acolytes have no problems colluding with one of the oldest enemies of Iran: an Anglo-Zionist puppet manufactured by the British in the 19th century.


        • After I forwarded to them your threats, THE BAHAI INTELLIGENCE AGENCY gracefully offered to pay all of my legal costs and provide a team of lawyers free of charge. Seems they are quite eager to get you into a court and under oath.

          I wonder why that is?


          • They are called the BAHAI INTERNET AGENCY, you dumb asshole. https://www.scribd.com/document/235458904/Baha-i-Internet-Agency-SourceWatch
            Why can’t you even get this right?

            And they wouldn’t be the ones to pay your legal bills. That would come from their puppet master in Haifa on Mt Carmel called the UHJ. Actually, it would be awesome for me for the Bahai cultists to pay your legal bills because that would literally allow me to kill two birds with one stone: you Russian fascists and your newly found opportunistic Bahai friends in Zionistan. Not only would that allow to prove you Duginists to be Zionist puppets yourselves in public but it allow the world to see exactly what manner of scumbags the Haifan Bahais roll with.

            By all means, I insist you keep on your Bahai friends and hold them to their promise to pay your legal bills.


          • You are full of it as is RasDugin. But if the Maryamiyyah want me in court they know where to find me. I would like them in court too as does the German government.


          • No. You said the Maryamiyyah are after me, so told you where they can find me and dare them to come forward where I reside.


          • I don’t have to sue you. All I need to do is to sue your hosting company and provider, and they deliver you to me on a silver platter with forks put in you.


          • If you have a throw away email, then Word Press needs to know about it, which I will forward to their lawyers right now. Thanks for that quote. But if you are paying for this site, of someone else is, that information will be mine. Have a nice hanging.


          • You tell me what’s up with Major Arnold Reza Jason Toht Jorjani. He is one of Richard Spencer’s projects who in turn is one of Dugin’s projects via Spencer’s FSB handler-cum-ex-wife Nina Kouprianova. Jorjani is finished in the US. He will be fired from his job shortly and won’t be hired anywhere else. He has no future in Iran, whatever his delusions of grandeur of being its Nazi savior. He should simply relocate to fascism-central Russia and join the right-flank opposition to Putin styling itself the “Christian State” and become one of its martyrs.


          • http://www.iranian.com/main/blog/anonymous111-2/response-wahid-azals-legal-demands.orig

            I have filed an Appearance in the now infamous case of Wahid Azal, a/k/a Crazy Kookaburra vs. Iranian.com, filed in the Superior Court of Canberra, on behalf of my client, Iranian.com. It is our understanding that Mr. Azal will appear only as an apparition in the courtroom due to his now permanent “out of body” experiences. We have filed the appropriate form with the Court which indicates our agreement to waive his physical appearance.

            First, while we understand your client’s strict adherence to the practice of sorcery and magic, we wish to remind you of the Court’s strictly enforced rule banning the following items during court proceedings:chicken bones, whale semen, emu eggs, severed boar’s heads, miniature sized daggers, aborigine face masks and, last but not the least, the items that has given the Courts in Australia much problem in the past with sorcerers: dried and ground kangaroo penis.

            Second, we have asked that Judge Mona Weisenstein, a Haifan Israeli Baha’i Jew, be appointed as the trial judge in this case. We assume that you are in agreement with this request. Nonetheless, we ask that you please clarify your position in writing as soon as possible.

            Third, my client, Mr. Jahanshah Javid, will not be present in court,and will only offer his testimony via video deposition. There are several reasons for this request. The first, and most important,reason is that the scheduled trial date will interfere with his tanning and manicure appointments, which he had made several months ago with Andre, his “salon and beauty specialist”. The second reason is that Mr. Javid is a firm believer that The Tasmanian Tiger is not extinct, and that he will be attacked by one of those despicable animals if he sets foot in Australia, even if he does not leave his hotel room. Mr. Javid has reliable intelligence which indicates that several Tasmanian tigers will be dressed as hotel maid staff and will be awaiting his arrival should he decide to travel to Australia. Lastly, my client, Mr. Javid, is not a fan of kangaroo vs. man boxing matches, which we believe to be compulsory events for all travelers to Australia.

            Fourth, we have served you with several discovery requests, which I believe are due by next week. As you know the discovery requests seek all documents in Mr. Azal’s possession regarding the Bayani religion, his practice of sorcery, all of his writings and his blogs on Iranian.com. You had indicated in the past that all of those documents, along with Mr. Azal’s super secret magical recipes for potions and potent aphrodisiacs are located in a Samsonite briefcase in Mr. Azal’s Airstream trailer (shown here) which also doubles as his permanent residence. Please be advised that if we do not receive the responses when due, we will wait one week. If we do not receive the documents after one week, we will wait another week. And if we do not receive it after the second week, we will wait for another fifty two weeks, and the end of which grace period we will wait one more week…but that’s it…no more waiting. We will turn into legal [Tasmanian] tigers at that time. Due to the unreliability of telephone and internet communications, I ask that you please have Mr. Azal communicate with me telepathically should you or he have any questions regarding this matter.


          • You keep believing that, Akira aka Adam, as we keep kicking your hides all over social media and driving more and more wedges against you and your fascist agenda by waking more and more people up to what manner of demonic scum you are. Be that as it may, I like it when I am underestimated. It makes your final take down that much more sweeter; and, believe it, your days are numbered because you and all of your friends are going down one by stinking one, so says the DMT God ;-)


          • None. Because I don’t make threats. Only promises. Go find out how I took down the old Iranian.com and exposed the people behind that Bahai-Zionist website. And find out more about Denis Giron’s aborted protege Paul A Hammond and how I hanged him (or, rather, how he hanged himself) with the very thing I publicly accused him of. I don’t make empty threats because I only play to win.


          • And one of the sure signs that you and your entire network of fascist friends are full of it, is that you shift the registers of discussion with smokescreen and sleights of hand about people’s mental health when it has become abundantly plain that it is all of you who are clearly off your rockers, not to mention that your whole your network is exposed; that your Trumpocalypse has become your nightmare and you and your guru RasDugin are now proven frauds; and that you are all caught with your proverbial pants pissing in the wind. And we’ve only just started, nashaashidi, shab deraazeh :)


  5. Denis Giron, since you are an Israeli intelligence asset online, you are by definition lying. However, if you believe otherwise, and have the evidence that stands up in a court of law, by all means come to Germany, get a German lawyer and we will resolve this and other related matters in a German court in front of a panel of German judges.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nima (i.e. “Wahid”) typed:
      «since you are an Israeli intelligence asset online, you are by definition lying.»

      A humorous bit of irony can be found in the fact that the very premise you appeal to, to conclude that I am lying, is itself a lie on your part. But, of course, you know I’m not “an Israeli intelligence asset”. You just throw out these wild assertions to mitigate your own intellectual frustrations when a correspondence isn’t going your way.

      Nima typed:
      «come to Germany, get a German lawyer»

      You and your silly court room fantasies. As I told you before, if I do wind up in Berlin (e.g. this Summer, hypothetically speaking, wink, wink), I’d like to discuss a number of things with you in person. Sadly, this is where your trembly side comes out, exempli gratia, the following, which you shared elsewhere in this comments section…

      «the only time we will meet face to face is either on opposite sides of a courtroom aisle or at the end of several Antifa fists and boots in your general direction.»

      Ooh, “fists and boots”! Look, Nima, an invitation to have an in person discussion is not necessarily a threat of violence. There’s no need to get shaken up and bluff about what you’ll allegedly dish out (and yes, I remember your posts of years past, where you threatened gun violence against any Baha’i who wanted to speak with you in person). I realize this may be rooted in some of your own family members teaching you, many years ago, that in person disagreements can result in you being on the receiving end of a physical beating, but that need not lead to the conclusion that every person who disagrees with you is therefore looking to hurt you physically.

      Nima wrote:
      «I will have you arrested and locked up on the spot.»

      Why, oh why, would anyone ever call you a “snitch”?

      But, seriously, Nima, what would the charge be for such an arrest? Poking fun at your imagined role as leader of the global cyber and occult resistance? Is that illegal in Germany, now?

      Nima wrote:
      «I will humiliate you in front of the world just like what happened to your kiddy-fiddler friend in the UK Paul A Hammond»

      I’m sorry, I’m honestly missing the reference, here. Could you bring me (and any interested reader(s)) up to speed on what you’re referring to, here?

      Before closing, permit me to share that I notice you dropped every other subject being discussed, Nima. The subject of your claim that hackers told you that myself and Nate Abookire write for this blog? You dropped it (I guess you didn’t want to assure us about a “private correspondence,” right?). The subject of your own dishonesty about your past and your positive opinions regarding literal Nazism telling us we can’t simply take your word for it about your StormFront posts? You dropped that too. And so on… You just went to your emotional outbursts, but offered nothing of substance. Frustrated much?


    • Good luck ever getting an answer on that one. I too have been accused by Nima of having ties to people I never heard of before. In my experience, when he is pressed to elaborate, if he responds at all, it is something incoherent, and then he avoids the subject. But I’d bet a dollar that it must be yet another person he got into a disagreement with, on social media. In his mind, everyone who opposes him is part of the same sinister Duginist-Bahai-Zionist-Ahmadi global conspiracy. My very response to you, now, will be taken as evidence that we’ve been working together all along!

      Great piece, by the way.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. For all the claims to research made here, you can’t figure out something as simple as the fact that Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri Baha’u’llah was the founder of Baha’ism (the so-called Baha’i faith) and NOT Subh-i-Azal. Subh-i-Azal is the single most demonized figure in Bahaism because he refused to recognize his older brother’s claims. Baha’u’llah, the founder of Baha’ism, was Subh-i-Azal’s older step-brother and rival. Subh-i-Azal was the legitimate successor of Siyyid Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Bab (the founder of Babism), and not the founder of Baha’ism which is Babism’s schism. A little googling would’ve easily turned up this information. smh


      • Because there is plenty out there about the Gulen cult, and the Lefty friends I hang out with don’t like Gulen either. But perhaps I will write something up in due course about the connections of Fethullah Gulen with Seyyed Hossein Nasr and the Maryamiyyah (since quite a bit is turning up on this angle) as Gulen and Nasr appear to be quite chummy with each other and share the same pseudo-Sufi espionage networks in Turkey, North Africa, the Gulf and Central Asia. Given Dugin’s proximity to Nasr and his Maryamiyyah — unless, that is, he has disavowed them in recent times, esp. Gholamreza Avani in Iran, SH Nasr’s khalifa over there — what I write on Gulen and Nasr will not reflect well on Dugin either.

        Anyway, Subh-i-Azal was NOT the founder of the Baha’i faith. He was its first historical sworn enemy. Again, Subh-i-Azal was the Bab’s successor and not the central founding figure of Baha’ism. Correct that error. Here is a Russian history on Babism and Bahaism (which goes into all of this) that should help you from committing such faux pas’ in the future (assuming you read Russian; if not, pass it along to Dugin himself) https://archive.org/details/RussianHistoryOnBabismBahaism


      • And thank you for demonstrating that for all your rhetoric otherwise, you are actually anti-Syrian anti-Iranians racists since that was the constant theme running through Koslow’s mental defecations to me. You defense of Koslow will now be used as evidence against you that your breast-beatings for Syria, Hezbollah and Iran etc have been hollow all along, and that you are actually shills for the NeoCons as I have maintained you are. Thank you very much!


  7. Snip

    [This is a lame Troll. Lame Spam-Trolls where you simply repeat yourself with extra death threats will be deleted.

    Do better, Azal!]



  8. Wahid,

    You state on your TimeMonkRadioNetwork interview regarding Hillary Clinton, quite emphatically, that she is “for sure!…for sure!…a living djinn!”. Can you explain how “a living djinn!” would make a better president, or rather, world player, than Donald Trump; given your erratically incessant diatribes again Trump? Your words…”A LIVING DJINN!”! How could a one so nefarious, who is part and parcel of the anti-Christ play a better role on the world scene, than someone like Trump? A flawed dubious character for sure, but certainly not a “living djinn!” Or, if he is, one not charged with the darkness that surrounds ol’ Hitlery. You would rather have a “living djinn!” running the USA at this moment in time? Please explain?


    • Have I bandwagoned for Killary Klingon over the past year? If I have, show me the evidence. That Trump is a fascist KKKunt — and that his Trumpenproletarian supporters are as well — does not absolve Killary of hers, since Dump and Killary are two sides of the same coin: puppet mannequins controlled by the same nefarious forces of AngloZionist plutocracy (who also rule Russia from behind scenes btw). So much for your non sequitur there.

      So about that collective butthurt on your part…


      • Fair enough…but would you be griping and bemoaning so profusely, and with such enraged ferocity about Her DarkLordship, had she been elected? I mean, if there both two sides of the same coin, then…


        • I thought you KKKaos-holes were monitoring my FB? Obviously you missed all those months of status updates were I was urging people State-side to vote third-party only and attempt thereby to plunge the system into a nightmare constitutional crisis by ensuring neither two-party candidate reached the magic 270 electoral college number. But all of that is academic now since overwhelming evidence has emerged of massive voter fraud where Republican controlled states flipped the election for Dump (most likely taking the votes from these very 3rd party candidates and adding it to Donald’s total). In worrying about Putin and Russian hackers, the Demonocrats forgot that the GOP itself was capable of doing exactly what they were biting their nails about over Russia. But to be fair, Russian media did provide the exclusive soap-box and megaphone to the Trump campaign, proving that they were an interested party although the specific accusations about them hacking anything are complete bullshit. Both Democrats and Republicans engaged in the very things they were accusing outside powers in doing, first in the primaries then in the general (s)election.


      • You truly are priceless, Azal. The last of the hardcore Usenet kooks… “Trump is a Fascist but the Jewish Conspiracy is behind it all!”

        After you finally overdose on DMT and chew off your own tongue, we should have you stuffed and mounted for the museum of insane internet trolls.


  9. On a final note, the collective butthurt you goons have received at my hands oozes out of every sentence of this blog post. Now go and do the multiverse a favor and die.


    • My butt hurts because I fell on the floor laughing so hard after you got your own article yanked off of Counterpunch by being such a rabid asshole to Mark Koslow. Do me a favor and smoke some more DMT, bro.

      You are a tragedy Azal, but a very entertaining one, and we look forward to more of your zany adventures. Did you try calling Glenn Beck yet?


    • “interest in Dugin on the part of “spiritual” Traditionalists with their origin in Schuon’s Maryamiyya is new”

      This is your evidence? That some Traditionalists went to a conference of Russian Traditionalists? By that measure you are more “involved” or “connected” to Maryamiyyah.


  10. The CP article was sourced, and the claim about the possible murder of Guenon at the Maryamiyyah’s hands was likewise sourced. Koslow is an idiot, a gatekeeper for the Maryamiyyah, and obviously a racist. But the reason why you are crying about the article is because it disclosed the linkages of Nasr with the American deep-state and Dugin with Nasr; and seeing how Dugin shilled for Trump from day one — and now that reports of massive voter fraud on the part of the GOP are trickling out — my contention that Dugin is allied with the same forces of Anglo-American imperialism that Nasr is, has likewise borne out..

    Again, I have called Dugin out for a public debate. Why is Rasputin redidivus ducking me?


    • So your only source is a “is an idiot, a gatekeeper for the Maryamiyyah, and obviously a racist”?

      There is no “Link” for you to expose, so no one cares. We troll you so that the opposition looks like retarded fruitbats.

      If Alexander Dugin is allied with “Anglo American imperialism” why is he on the No fly list and under economic sanctions?


          • Alexander Dugin knows Traditionalists all over the world, including ones in Iran. So what?

            I understand that you are severely socially retarded and don’t understand the concept of a “friend”, but this is very common among normal people. Go see a psychiatrist and he can explain it to you.

            In any case, YOU are the one who moved to bloomsburg Indiana and tried to join the cult:


        • >The article contains 14 footnotes with five bla bla bla

          Made up fake sources claimed by a mentally Ill pathological liar such as yourself don’t count. Some obscure conspiracy theorist in Iran doesn’t count. Both Koslow and sedgwick have disavowed you. Complete Fail.

          Now the leftards at Counterpunch have finally Googled you, so you are banned from the magazine.


          The Baha’i sent Press TV copies of all that shit you wrote about the Islamic Republic, so now you have been banned from Press TV as well.



  11. I have never identified myself as a white nationalist because I ain’t white. Someone on reddit did an identity theft. The person even fessed up later on to who they were. You got nothing.


      • No, Porrazzo, it ain’t fake. But WTF does my discussion of the occult war have to do with white nationalism, you idiot? Even someone of your endless conceit and quite limited cognitive abilities cannot attribute “white nationalism” to anything articulated in that segment with Time Monk Radio.


        • >No, Porrazzo

          Funny you would mention that, Azal.

          We have in fact crossed swords before, Nima, but that was many years ago on Usenet, and with your drug habits you probably don’t remember it.

          I have never been part of the New Resistance group because I don’t hang out on Facebook, and as far as I can tell they don’t like me, as I have been perma-banned from the comments sections of Richard Spencer’s entire network of websites. But since you bring it up Azal, I actually have one source telling me a completely crazy story about how you and “James Porrazzo” are the same person. It sounds like nonsense to me, but do you want to comment on the uncanny resemblance?

          Were you also involved with the mind control cult project in South Carolina?


          • Man, this is really funny. So here we see Nima (i.e. “Wahid”) guessing in the dark that the author of this wonderful piece is James Porrazzo, yet on one of his many blogs…


            …he claims the author is Nate Abookire. So either Nima thinks Abookire and Porrazzo are the same person, or his powers of supernatural discernment amount to little more than groping in the dark.


          • Denis Giron, hackers from Antifa Germany say that this blog is run by a composite of people, including, Abookire, yourself, Adam Hunter Taylor in Scotland and a few other people, which probably includes Porrazzo. Taylor is also apparently one of the people behind the aliases “Akira Kalashnikov” and “Akira Zantradi”. Now, this post was obviously written by Abookire since the written style is identical to his his, so the poster or composite of them is immaterial to the identity of its actual author, which is Abookire with nearly 99% level of certainty. If Nate feels otherwise, as I have said before, get a lawyer and come to Germany and let’s resolve the matter in front of a panel of German judges. In any case, you rightard dumbos have done me an enormous favor with this specific blog which you have no idea about. God bless you! I mean that. This is the kind of stuff one wears as a badge of honor in the future when the time comes to prove where one stood against Fascists and Fascism when it reared its ugly head again from the cesspool from which it was buried 72 years ago. Keep it comin’.


          • Nima (“Wahid”) typed:
            «hackers from Antifa Germany say that this blog is run by a composite of people, including, Abookire, yourself, Adam Hunter Taylor in Scotland and a few other people, which probably includes Porrazzo.»

            Complete bullfeathers. Stop and think for a second, Nima. Try to get your drug-addled mind to contemplate something, here. It is obvious that this blog entry was written (at least partially) in response to your piece on the Maryamia being pulled from CounterPunch. Now, remember why your piece was pulled: in part because some of the more scandalous claims therein were attributed to “private correspondences”. This blog entry is openly mocking your mix of unsourced libel and delusion. Yet you somehow think it is a good idea to continue to post made up claims and attribute them to imaginary sources, in the comments section of this very blog no less! The irony is off the charts.

            Nima (“Wahid”) typed:
            «this post was obviously written by Abookire since the written style is identical to his his»

            As someone very familiar with Abookire, I do not think the writing styles are identical. But more importantly, while I do not know the author, it is clear that he or she was already well acquainted with your book back in 2016 (and probably before that). I know for a fact that Abookire did not start actually looking into your book until just this last April (I know because I discussed it with him when he first started reading it). So you are wrong yet again (strange that the self described reincarnation of Muhammad, Ibn Arabi, Abraham Abulafia, and Subh i Azal has such poor discernment).

            Nima (“Wahid”) typed:
            «its actual author, which is Abookire with nearly 99% level of certainty.»

            I literally laughed out loud. Seriously.

            Nima (“Wahid”) typed:
            «you rightard dumbos»

            Rightard? You imagine that everyone who disagrees with you, or mocks your hysteria, must be in full ideological and political agreement with each other, right? I recall you recently wrote that Michael Muhammad Knight is one of the Proud Boys. It’s the height of absurdity. Newsflash: people who might disagree politically can still agree on many things, especially the obvious, like the roundness of the earth, or that cats are mammals, or that 1+1=2, or that your grip on reality is quite poor (and that your ridiculous assertions invite ridicule).

            Nima (“Wahid”) typed:
            «God bless you! I mean that.»

            Well, thank you, Nima. It seems you’ve matured a bit since the days of writing black magic curses against me. How did that work out, by the way, o mighty Magickian?

            Nima (“Wahid”) typed:
            «when the time comes to prove where one stood against Fascists and Fascism»

            Yes, because history will record that daring to lampoon your nonsense constitutes standing on the wrong side of the fight against fascism. Sure…


    • Obviously you were trying to present yourself as “White” at one time, and it failed because your “Aryan” comrades think real Aryans are “mud people”, and mindlessly hate all Muslims. The evidence of your viscously racist Stormfront posting career is in fact still available at the Internet Archive for anyone who gives a shit.

      Your real position, as a mystical crackpot Jew-Conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, etc, is the “Occult Fascism” of the post-war third position, which this podcast makes perfectly clear.

      In other words: GLASS HOUSE + ROCKS = FAIL

      (Oh, what a surprise that a Jew-Conspiracy 9/11 truther turned out to be an insane snitch!)


    • Nima wrote:
      «I have never identified myself as a white nationalist because I ain’t white. Someone on reddit did an identity theft. The person even fessed up later on to who they were.»

      You have been profoundly dishonest about your past on multiple levels, so one cannot take you at your word on this. What one can know for certain is that, as recently as 2015, you were showing an appreciation for literal Nazis. Exempli gratia, the following screen shot taken from your posts to the Center for Syncretic Studies FaceBook page:


      As for someone ‘fessing up to forging white supremacist posts under your name, are you referring to Jeff Gangwish? I ask because I recall that when he noted that he had seen your Stormfront posts, you lied, and claimed he had admitted to forging said posts. If that’s who you have in mind, there was no such confession. If not him, then who?


      • Giron, bring all your selective evidence to a German court, and we’ll see who has credibility and who doesn’t. Yeah, I maintain that you, Abookire, Gangwish and a few others in your circle are part of an organized online network of paid rightwing trolls who regularly commit identity theft and a litany of other felonies. Antifa also seems to agree. So your opinion in the matter is completely irrelevant given the fact that you have a history of organized online abuse and gangstalking of the political enemies of toxic rightwingers, NeoCons and Zionists.. Ball in your court!

        And the video in question I was commenting on, which you seem to think you have a case regarding, is the following https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/rania-khalek/video-israeli-man-describes-muslims-nazis-far-right-rally-frankfurt

        The Duginists on Porrazzo’s NR were supporting PEGIDA at the time, and it was for this reason that I and several other people on that list wised to what Duginsim was really all about and walked, i.e. the agendas of your puppet masters in Tel Aviv; this, together with the fact that Arktos (which Dugin publishes with) includes supporters of the same Ukrainian Nazis Dugin elsewhere denounces. So much for that dog and pony show; and now that your candidate Le Pen in France is history and her FN relegated to the political wilderness for at least another 5 years, the agendas of ya’ll are well and truly baked.

        Now, come to Germany and let’s allow a German court of law to decide the issues if you and Abookire feel slighted. And once again for the record:

        ———- Forwarded message ———-
        From: Don Black
        Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 11:49 PM
        Subject: Re: #2 Takedown Notice Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
        To: “N.W. Azal”

        I don’t think the posts by the user using your name constitutes a DMCA violation. But we’ve disable the account snd deleted all its posts, since it was obviously not you.


        Don Black
        Owner, Stormfront.


        • Nima typed:
          «bring all your selective evidence to a German court»

          If I do make it to Germany, I’d like to meet with you in person, to discuss a few things. No need for a court. But

          predicting your response, let me say that’s not a threat (so save any emotional boasts about what you would do if I

          came within a certain distance of you).

          And speaking of boasting, why the constant dare to visit a court in another country? You spend so much time online

          (I have encountered a family member of yours who says your whole life is spent online), so why not devote a little

          bit of that to actually corresponding directly with your perceived enemies, and examining the evidence from either

          side, that way?

          Nima typed:
          «I maintain that you, Abookire, Gangwish and a few others in your circle are part of an organized online network of

          paid rightwing trolls who regularly commit identity theft and a litany of other felonies.»

          Yet you have no evidence in favor of that delusion. Strange for a man constantly declaring that litigation is about

          to kick off.

          Nima typed:
          «Antifa also seems to agree.»

          Sure. Let me guess, they shared that with you in a “private correspondence,” right?

          Nima typed:
          «The Duginists on Porrazzo’s NR were supporting PEGIDA at the time»

          And your problem with PEGIDA was that many of the members or supporters couldn’t discern a difference between a

          careful anti-Salafism and a full on, clumsy Islamophobia (and so too the pro-Zionist rhetoric of some therein).

          That’s fine, but it’s irrelevant to the point I was making: in the midst of your objections to PEGIDA, you shared

          your, up to that point, continued positive impression of literal Nazis. That was your view: PEGIDA supporters who

          hate all Muslims are bad, but literal Nazis who have a more nuanced approach to Islam are not a problem.

          So the point you have yet to really address is this:

          (a) you have a history of being dishonest about your past internet activity [see your attempts to convince Mabsout

          and others that you didn’t write that usenet post in which you called for Jonbesh E Sabz to take up arms against

          the Irani government, or your denials of ever contributing to the FTMecca site and bragging about such on Usenet],

          (b) as recently as 2015, you were still showing a positive view of literal Nazis,

          …therefore, people should take with a grain (or fistful!) of salt your assertions that your infamous Stormfront

          posts were due to identity theft.

          Nima typed:
          «I and several other people on that list wised to what Duginsim was really all about and walked»

          I’d put it this way: you got into an internet beef with a fan of Dugin on a FaceBook forum (during which the guy

          mocked your Jewish heritage and also offered to have you supplied with a real time @$$ whipping), so you made a

          180-degree turn on Dugin, and demanded sudden ideological purity from anyone associated with you on social media,

          subsequently going on a witch hunt against anyone who showed any continued interest in Dugin or who failed to cut

          ties with friends interested in Dugin. A veritable purge, demanding everyone “renounce Dugin and all his works!” It

          was your wild-eyed attempt at an Inquisition which gained you a bunch of new critics, and it was all because one

          fan of Dugin insulted and intimidated you. That’s the truth of the matter.

          Nima reproduced:
          «From: Don Black
          Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 11:49 PM»

          Yes, you’ve shared that before, and I have commented on it before. As I told you previously, your ability to

          convince a person who doesn’t know you that you did not compose the relevant posts does not mean you therefore did

          not write them. Those of us who are more familiar with you are less convinced. Here’s a thought experiment to

          illustrate the point: you and I both know you wrote that above-mentioned usenet post calling for Jonbesh e Sabz to

          take up arms against the Irani government. Yet you tried to convince Mabsout and others that you did not write it.

          Had you successfully convinced them, that would not have meant you therefore did not actually write it.

          Off subject, please stop by the following thread, where your latest FaceBook screed is discussed:

          Liked by 1 person

          • Giron, the only time we will meet face to face is either on opposite sides of a courtroom aisle or at the end of several Antifa fists and boots in your general direction. I don’t negotiate or reason with Fascist-friendly Zionist punks like you or Abookire, nor meet with them, nor are you in any position to suggest it. You are scum. A bottom dwelling troll, a piece of crap. And if you attempt to physically contact me or come anywhere near me or my family, as I have told you before, I will have you arrested and locked up on the spot. Now, when this is all over — and it will end, rest assured — I will prevail over your sorry NY “tokhes” as well as that of the entire posse of your criminal friends, taking you and your whole dog and pony shebang down once and for all. As there is a God in heaven, I will humiliate you in front of the world just like what happened to your kiddy-fiddler friend in the UK Paul A Hammond who was far more determined than you or Nate ever were. I did that. That is my handiwork. Take that to the bank, and as we say in Farsi, nashaashidi, shab deraaze.


        • Nima typed:
          «bring all your selective evidence to a German court»

          If I do make it to Germany, I’d like to meet with you in person, to discuss a few things. No need for a court. But predicting your response, let me say that’s not a threat (so save any emotional boasts about what you would do if I came within a certain distance of you).

          And speaking of boasting, why the constant dare to visit a court in another country? You spend so much time online (I have encountered a family member of yours who says your whole life is spent online), so why not devote a little bit of that to actually corresponding directly with your perceived enemies, and examining the evidence from either side, that way?

          Nima typed:
          «I maintain that you, Abookire, Gangwish and a few others in your circle are part of an organized online network of paid rightwing trolls who regularly commit identity theft and a litany of other felonies.»

          Yet you have no evidence in favor of that delusion. Strange for a man constantly declaring that litigation is about to kick off.

          Nima typed:
          «Antifa also seems to agree.»

          Sure. Let me guess, they shared that with you in a “private correspondence,” right?

          Nima typed:
          «The Duginists on Porrazzo’s NR were supporting PEGIDA at the time»

          And your problem with PEGIDA was that many of the members or supporters couldn’t discern a difference between a careful anti-Salafism and a full on, clumsy Islamophobia (and so too the pro-Zionist rhetoric of some therein). That’s fine, but it’s irrelevant to the point I was making: in the midst of your objections to PEGIDA, you shared your, up to that point, continued positive impression of literal Nazis. That was your view: PEGIDA supporters who hate all Muslims are bad, but literal Nazis who have a more nuanced approach to Islam are not a problem.

          So the point you have yet to really address is this:

          (a) you have a history of being dishonest about your past internet activity [see your attempts to convince Mabsout and others that you didn’t write that usenet post in which you called for Jonbesh E Sabz to take up arms against the Irani government, or your denials of ever contributing to the FTMecca site and bragging about such on Usenet],

          (b) as recently as 2015, you were still showing a positive view of literal Nazis,

          …therefore, people should take with a grain (or fistful!) of salt your assertions that your infamous Stormfront posts were due to identity theft.

          Nima typed:
          «I and several other people on that list wised to what Duginsim was really all about and walked»

          I’d put it this way: you got into an internet beef with a fan of Dugin on a FaceBook forum (during which the guy mocked your Jewish heritage and also offered to have you supplied with a real time @$$ whipping), so you made a 180-degree turn on Dugin, and demanded sudden ideological purity from anyone associated with you on social media, subsequently going on a witch hunt against anyone who showed any continued interest in Dugin or who failed to cut ties with friends interested in Dugin. A veritable purge, demanding everyone “renounce Dugin and all his works!” It was your wild-eyed attempt at an Inquisition which gained you a bunch of new critics, and it was all because one fan of Dugin insulted and intimidated you. That’s the truth of the matter.

          Nima reproduced:
          «From: Don Black
          Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 11:49 PM»

          Yes, you’ve shared that before, and I have commented on it before. As I told you previously, your ability to convince a person who doesn’t know you that you did not compose the relevant posts does not mean you therefore did not write them. Those of us who are more familiar with you are less convinced. Here’s a thought experiment to illustrate the point: you and I both know you wrote that above-mentioned usenet post calling for Jonbesh e Sabz to take up arms against the Irani government. Yet you tried to convince Mabsout and others that you did not write it. Had you successfully convinced them, that would not have meant you therefore did not actually write it.

          Off subject, please stop by the following thread, where your latest FaceBook screed is discussed:


          • If you make it to Germany, Giron, you will be arrested and hauled before German authorities for your connections to a criminal political network that has been attempting to destabilize this country. And if the courts don’t get you first, I guarantee that Antifa will. In any case, your statement here on this blog that you intend to come Germany will now be forwarded to the BnD. Happy journeys.

            And btw that screenshot you keep peddling is actually from James Porrazzo’s New Resistance group and not from the Center for Syncretic Studies.


          • Nima bluffed thusly:
            «If you make it to Germany, Giron, you will be arrested and hauled before German authorities for your connections to a criminal political network»

            Yes, you have made this claim before. But you don’t seem to be able to explain how that actually works. What do you do? Do you show German authorities my FaceBook page, and say “look, he’s friends with this guy on social media, whom I declare a ‘Duginist’,” and that’s all it takes to get me arrested and deported? If so, forgive me for being just a wee bit skeptical (i.e. I’m guessing German authorities are a bit more sober than you are), but perhaps we need to test your delusions. I’ll let you know if and when I’m headed there.

            Nima bluffed further:
            «if the courts don’t get you first, I guarantee that Antifa will»

            Yes, you made this claim before as well. But I wonder what, if any, connection you could possibly have with actual Antifa activists on the ground, as I doubt you even leave your apartment much (a certain member of your family asserts that you’re nearly a hermit). Noting the fact that you tried to put forth some absolute bullfeathers about what Antifa hackers told you about my (and Nate’s) alleged connection to this blog, I think it’s fairly obvious that your connection to Antifa is a figment of your twisted imagination.

            But here’s the thing, Nima: look at the post you were responding to, and notice how you did not reply to anything therein; rather, you just trotted out your hard-to-take-seriously threats. It’s fairly clear this nonsense is little more than an emotional outburst from you — an attempt to assuage your intellectual frustrations, by imagining out loud that you have the ability to harm those who dare to mock you. You’re quite silly.

            Nima typed:
            «your statement here on this blog that you intend to come Germany will now be forwarded to the BnD.»

            Permit me to share with you that when I first read this wonderful blog entry, I found it curious that the author repeatedly referred to you as a snitch. Now, admittedly, I still am unsure what the author had in mind, but, I must confess, I do find the charge humorous in light of your repeated threats to notify the authorities about anyone and everyone who pokes fun at your silliness (not just me, but so too Navid Nasr, and various others).

            “If you come anywhere near me, I’m gonna call the cops!” —Trembling Nima Hazini

            Nima typed:
            «btw that screenshot you keep peddling is actually from James Porrazzo’s New Resistance group and not from the Center for Syncretic Studies.»

            Could you elaborate on which screen shot you’re referring to? [I have quite a few.] If you have in mind the one of you expressing your positive view of literal Nazis, you would be mistaken. But now you’re making me think that maybe I need to start looking through that New Resistance group, to see what “gems” you might have shared there in years past.

            Now, if I may ever so briefly turn my attention to the author of this wonderful blog entry…

            Akira Zentradi asked:
            «Who is it I am supposed to be again? I never heard of most of these people.»

            Nima is insane, and thus thinks that all his critics are working together, and, worse, he conflates a lot of them. He initially claimed you are Nate Abookire (a person who dared to dispute some of Nima’s libel on FaceBook). Then he claimed you are James Porrazzo. Now he claims German Antifa (note that he seems to fantasize quite a bit about being connected to Antifa in Germany) had their hackers inform him (presumably via a “private correspondence”) that a tracing of IP addresses revealed that people writing under your nom de plume include Porrazzo, Abookire, and myself. He has quite the imagination, though I can’t imagine why he thinks bluffing to people about events in their own lives is a good idea.

            But who are these other people? I actually know nothing about Porrazzo, but I can tell you that I’m nobody of importance, and I feel Nate Abookire would be fine with me saying that he likewise is no one of importance. While I can’t say all of Nima’s critics are like Abookire and myself, I can say with confidence that there are a number of ordinary people whom Nima has gotten riled up over (e.g. coffee shop baristas, bartenders, supermarket stock boys, et cetera). Nima cannot accept that he himself is an utter nobody. His narcissism forces him to conclude (or at least declare) that all the ordinary folk who mock him online are paid agents of a sweeping global conspiracy. So, for however long your interactions with him last, expect him to continue to accuse you of being people you never heard of (e.g. if he gets into it will a construction worker on Twitter, he might conclude that’s you).


          • Giron, fine. I am a nobody. I can live with that. Yet nobodies don’t get the attention of having blogs made on them on sites funded directly by the Russian government like this one is (and which search optimize at the level this one is that requires paying Google serious dough), or are hounded and gang stalked for years all over the internet as you and your paid posse of criminal hacks are. The evidence of your online behavior as well as Abookire’s (not to mention Navid Nasr’s) since early 2016 categorically negates your claim. This is why the last thing you want is to enter a courtroom where you know you will be nailed to a wall and won’t be able to gaslight, lie and bamboozle your way out. So, methinks the gaslighter doth protest too much on the “nobody” claim. Your very own claim of possessing many screenshots also refutes your protestations otherwise. Nobodies simply don’t have the kind of time and attention spent on them that you and your criminal network of hacks are spending on moi. You have a day job at the UN and a family, don’t you? Nobody. Hmmmm….

            And speaking of not liking being mocked: like the sore, over-sensitive little bitches that you both are, you and Abookire both have literal nervous breakdowns and psychotic meltdowns every time I put out a new meme about you. And as for the screenshot in question: no, it is you who are mistaken — actually, you are lying. The screenshot is in fact from the New Resistance list because the comment was made in early 2015 on the New Resistance list (not Center for Syncretic Studies), due to the fact that I myself posted that video of the Israeli at the PEGIDA rally there on New Resistance (which was the reason why I and another person left the list permanently because you Duginists proved right then and there who truly rocks your boat, i.e. “Eretz Yisrael”). This in itself proves again that you (as well as this site) are in direct cahoots with FBI informant and neo-Nazi James Porrazzo because you are on his list which is where you got that screenshot. I have all the screenshots myself, genius. And as for the comment itself, I 100% stand by it.

            Finally, please, please, please come to Germany then so I can nail your sorry NYC “tuchas” to the wall from multiple ends. G’head.


          • “funded directly by the Russian government like this one is (and which search optimize at the level this one is that requires paying Google serious dough)”

            No, actually I just understand how Google search works and designed the site to maximize search returns.

            If you are so smart Azal, why is Louise Mensch eating your lunch?


          • Yes, Adam. This site is directly funded by the Russian government. There are several lists circulating the internet identifying it as much as well, your waves of the hand notwithstanding.

            Who is Louise Mensch? One search says she is alt-right. Another says she is a British Tory. Both of these categories are diametrically opposed to what I am about. Be more specific by what you mean. And thanks for the admission about search optimization.


          • “This site is directly funded by the Russian government.”

            They couldn’t pay for an upgrade plan?

            “Who is Louise Mensch”

            The woman eating your lunch in the Russia Conspiracy business. Follow her on twitter.

            My “search optimization strategy” has nothing to do with money. It has everything to do with design and function.


          • With sanctions still in place, and with the Kremlin subsidizing literally thousands of dud, fake news fronts online, from you to Newsbud and beyond, I guess you have to wait your turn for the upgrade for the time being. Besides, the word on the street about this site has been out since late last year, which you reported on yourself https://4threvolutionarywar.wordpress.com/2017/03/14/we-make-the-new-harvard-fake-news-list/ & http://www.honr.com/fake-news_websites/ & http://www.fakenewschecker.com/fake-news-source/fourth-revolutionary-war , ad nauseum. Be that as it may, Russian expat Peter Pomerantsev has already laid out in extensive detail (explaining the nuts, bolts and all) as to how the online dog and pony show you belong to actually works https://www.amazon.com/Nothing-True-Everything-Possible-Surreal/dp/1610396006

            Some limey Tory named Louise Mensch saying the same thing, is neither here nor there.


          • The Russian state propaganda apparatus is RT and Sputnik. Why would they pay for marginal websites when they have high traffic, professional websites?

            So why is the Limey eating your lunch?


          • You and I both know that the Russian state propaganda apparatus encompasses a lot, lot more than just Sputnik and RT, so you know where you can stick that one: in the same place Branko told you to stick those thorny roses you wanted to send.

            Lots of people are eating my lunch these days, didn’t you know.


          • Have you tried contacting Rachel Madcow? The Liberals are losing their minds with the Russia conspiracy dementia and you should cash in!


      • I am not after followers. Never have been. That is the difference between Alexander Rasputin and myself. Followers are a burden. And Dugin’s global political movement will crumble all around him and over his head in the end. You can take that to the bank. He knows it too himself in his heart of hearts.


        • >I am not after followers.

          This from the guy who has founded at least three religions…

          >Never have been.

          Rather you have completely failed to obtain any.

          >That is the difference between Alexander Rasputin and myself.

          No, the difference is that Dugin put his mind and his will to great use, while you have squandered your education and your heritage in favor of Crowleyist nonsense, and most of your life in pointless spam-trolling.

          >Followers are a burden.

          A burden you will truly never be cursed with…

          >And Dugin’s global political movement will crumble all around him and over his head in the end. You can take that to the bank.

          2016 has been victory after victory, in Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, and even in the United States. I’ll take dead DAESH scum, a defeated Hillary Monster, Trumpocalypse, the mass unemployment of neocon scum, and the Russian-Iranian alliance to the bank, motherfucker, while you are begging on the sidewalk because you are a snitching turncoat.


Stauffenberg was Right!